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Balon Quality
Balon Quality

It is Balon's goal to achieve customer satisfaction by providing valve products of clearly superior quality.

At Balon, superior products begin with innovative designs and quality, domestic raw materials. Balon cultivates long-term relationships exclusively with domestic suppliers who share our commitment to product integrity.

Raw materials are brought into our own manufacturing plant for processing. By taking full responsibility for the processing of all raw materials, Balon exercises total control over the Quality Assurance "QA" process. We have a plan for the inspection of every component following each machining operation. Tight tolerance bands are maintained in order to achieve dimensional consistency from part to part and from valve to valve.

We take an "eyes open" approach to quality at Balon. All employees – whether they are machining components, assembling valves, or painting and boxing valves must keep their eyes open to any situation that might compromise quality.

As important as QA is within our plant, our concern for quality does not stop at Balon's shipping dock. Dozens of Balon field representatives sustain our commitment through thousands of customer contacts around the world every year. Customer feedback through our representatives helps us to achieve one of our primary objectives as a company, that of continuous product improvement.

Balon Corporation is licensed by the American Petroleum Institute to the API-6D Standard and by Bureau Veritas to Module H of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). Our QA program complies fully with the API Q1 Quality Standard.

At Balon Corporation, Quality Assurance is not merely a process. It is a culture that has been nurtured within our company from the beginning.

Different by Philosophy
Better by Design